This ad. helped launch the Cross City Tunnel, which took traffic underneath the congestion of the Sydney CBD, saving motorists time lost by the city's many traffic lights and intersections.

This ad. helped launch the Cross City Tunnel, which took traffic underneath the congestion of the Sydney CBD, saving motorists time lost by the city's many traffic lights and intersections.

The launch of a new Bridgestone tyre promising better grip in the wet, avoided the cliched 'car driving through a puddle images.

The Alpine Hotel is a popular stopover for motorcycle enthusiasts traveling through the Snowy Mountains region of NSW. This ad appeared in motorcycle magazines telling how well riders were treated.

Print advertising for McWilliams Wines 'Mount Pleasant' range which contributed to a 25% increase in sales of a $10 million brand.

Print advertising for McWilliams Wines 'Mount Pleasant' range which contributed to a 25% increase in sales of a $10 million brand.

A trade ad inviting key retailers to a launch event.

A print ad announcing that McWilliams was the most successful wine company at the national show.

This print ad helped launch the John Bull range of work boots for OPSM Protector - a range promising protective footwear with the comfort features of sports shoes.

Another launch ad targeting the mining industry, which helped launch the John Bull range of work boots for OPSM Protector - a range promising protective footwear with the comfort features of sports shoes.

This ad took an X-ray look into the DNA of a new range of work boots which contained the same comfort and support features of high technology sports shoes, and avoided the cliched OH & S images of workers on work sites.

Motor racing is the ultimate torture test of a motor oil. If it can protect a 200mph alcohol-powered funny car, Castrol is the right brand for everyday motorists who expect top performance from their oil.

The developer had little more to sell than blank blocks of land. This ad invited readers to dream big about the homes they could create on these blocks of land.

Continuing the 'clean canvas' theme, these giant easels helped paint the picture of how Homestead Green in NSW's central west could be the perfect lifestyle choice.

Sales were progressing well, and this ad. promotes the final stage of the land release at Regand Park, Dubbo, NSW.

This ad in real estate section of the local newspaper prompted prospective buyers to settle quickly on blocks of land - before they're all gone.